Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Jefferson vs. Hamilton Confrontations That Shaped a...

April 13, 1743 Albemarle County in the English colony of Virginia was the start of an American historical giant. Thomas Jefferson was born in affluence to his father, Peter Jefferson, a rising young planter in the Virginia colony, and his mother, Jane Randolph, who held a high status within the colony as well. Due to his father’s prosperity Jefferson was afforded the absolute best in the ways of education, starting with private tutors at the age of five, then moving on to learn how to read Greek and Roman in there original text and finally taking his studies to the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg which he would say is â€Å"†¦what probably fixed the destinies of my life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 5. On the other side of the spectrum, a few years later†¦show more content†¦Hamilton expressed dissatisfaction with both of the plans brought forward to the convention. The Virginia plan, which was a proposal to completely abandon the Articles of Confederation, a nd replace it with a bicameral national legislature, an executive branch selected by the legislature, a judiciary, and a council of revision with the power veto, and the New Jersey plan, which suggested to keep the Articles of Confederation, but revise it to give Congress the power to tax, regulate commerce, and choose plural executive and members of a supreme court. Hamilton felt both these plans lacked a strong central government. He was specifically displeased with the New Jersey plan â€Å"being fully convinced† Madison writes â€Å"that no amendment of the Confederation, leaving the States in possession of their Sovereignty could possibly answer the purpose.† pg 18-19. He feared that either of these plans would leave the newly founded country weakened and â€Å"†¦would ultimately destroy the confederation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  pg 20. Finally, though Hamilton would given the federal government more power, he supported what was to be and is now the Constitution of the United States of America and he became one of its leading supporters during the ratification process. Though Jefferson was unable to join the convention due to his duties in France asShow MoreRelatedThe Forgotten Founder : Alexander Hamilton1196 Words   |  5 PagesAriel Fisher College Composition 3M Mr. Claxton December 10, 2015 The Forgotten Founder Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the United States, but little to no people recognize the accomplishments he made. As a young man he fought in the Revolutionary War under the command of George Washington and later went on to become the first Secretary of the Treasury. With a multitude of other achievements under his belt, it’s hard to comprehend how this amazing man became a forgotten figureRead MoreFirst Bank of the United States4267 Words   |  18 Pagesdesigned to make money and build an economy. It was designed by men like Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris, but did not benefit the common citizen as much as wealthy investors. Why did a fledgling government need to borrow millions from overseas in order to invest in a â€Å"national† bank, to turn around and then borrow the same money back and pay interest on it? The banking system developed by Alexander Hamilton and Robert Morris was prime pickings for speculators, and laid the groundwor k for aRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and CultureRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand religion have shaped them and how to adapt your management style to their differences. Managers at global companies such as McDonald’s, Disney, and Coca-Cola have come to realize that economic values are not universally transferable. Management practices need to be modified to reflect the values of the different countries in which an organization operates. Overseeing Movement of Jobs to Countries with Low-Cost Labor It’s increasingly difficult for managers in advanced nations, where minimum wages

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on The Roles of Greed and Pride in Shakespeares...

The choices people make lead them to where they end up, which may be interpreted as the opposite of fate. However, when some people believe something is meant to be, they are determined not to stray from where they think they should end up, even if it means throwing away their principles and values in the process. Through Shakespeares Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth’s original character and values are destroyed because of the influence from the witches prophecies, Lady Macbeths greed, and his own hidden ambition. Macbeth begins to defer from his original character when he learns of the witches’ prophecies, which leads him to believe he is fated to be king and to pursue that â€Å"destiny.† After the witches make the prophecies, he merely views†¦show more content†¦He tells himself â€Å"That is a step/ On which I must fall down or else o’erleap/ For which in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires/ Let not light see my black and deep desires/ The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be/ Which the eye fears, when it is done, to see† (I iv. 55-60). Malcolm being named as a prince makes him next in line for the throne, followed by Duncan’s other son, Donalbain whom both stand in the way of Macbeth becoming king. Because they are next in life for the throne, as long as they are alive there is no real justification for him to achieve that title. He is aware that his ambition of becoming king is cannot become true through clean and honest means that â€Å"t he eye fears,† but that he needs to let â€Å"the hand† act and go against his own character and principles to make it true. Were the deeds and actions that he needed to take in order to become king were through a just method, he would not find them as hard for the eye to bear, or something that one would not want to see. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Supply Chain Management in Coca-Cola Design to Grow

Question: Discuss about the Supply Chain Management in Coca-Cola for Design to Grow. Answer: Introduction For any company to be successful there needs to be consumer satisfaction in its products and services. One factor that assists in consumer satisfaction is supply chain organization. A customer will be contented if the goods reach them in the best possible state, usually the like the way they left the company. Therefore, it is essential that every company ensures efficiency in their supply chain to prevent mishandling of goods. If the enterprise decides to outsource the supply work, it has to ensure that they hire the best people to do so; else they might lose satisfied customers. It has to have a good plan on how the goods are to leave the production areas and reach the customers in the same or the best possible state. A company like Coca-Cola has to ensure that their drinks reach the market in a good state so that they can remain competitive against their rivals. The supply chain is also concerned with how raw materials get to the company at the lowest possible cost. For any company to maximize profits, it has to ensure that expenses are brought down as possible, especially transport costs of products to and from the company. Coca-Cola is one of the enterprises in the world that has a good supply chain. They have ensured that the chains are as short as possible to reduce the inefficiencies experienced in longer ones. This paper seeks to analyze the supply chain planning and control issues of Coca-Cola Company. Discussion and analysis Coca-Cola is a multinational beverage corporation based in the United States. It specializes in producing, packaging, and marketing non-alcoholic beverages. Founded in 1886, the Coca-Cola company has grown to be among the largest companies globally in terms of revenue and market share (World of Coca-Cola, 2016). Part of their success comes from having an efficient supply system that has enabled them to reach customers from all over even the ones in remote areas. From the company, there are other intermediaries involved in ensuring that the beverages reach the final consumer regardless of where they are. In their supply chain, there are distributors or wholesalers, retailers, suppliers, manufacturers, the company itself, and the consumers. Undoubtedly, there is efficiency in the supply system as these products still reach the customers at competitive prices. Thus, even after all the intermediaries; the consumer can enjoy the beverages at a lower cost compared to other rivals. In supply chain management, there are various factors which are crucial to ensure efficiency. According to Huang (2013), these factors are known as logistical drivers. They include facilities, inventory, and transportation. Additionally, there are cross-functional drivers which include information, sourcing, and pricing. Therefore, for the supply chain to be as effective as possible, the company involved has to put these six factors into consideration. Facilities are crucial in the chain as they provide storage for the manufactured goods. Therefore, these physical locations are essential to the chain as they store products nearer to the market. The consumers can then have the goods in the market in a short time rather than have to wait for them to come from the factory. A company should select these facilities strategically to reduce the costs of transportation to the market. Coca-Cola has facilities all over the world in the form of a franchise (Huang, 2013, p. 21). The company just transports the secret formula to these locations located in different regions and they in turn complete production. Thus, the customers can access the products in a shorter time and a good state as they are produced in their vicinity. This method keeps the supply chain short and hence effective. Another factor that is crucial in the supply chain is the inventory. The inventory includes all materials needed for the production and the final products. They include raw materials, equipment, labor, and the finished goods. Therefore, for the company to serve the demand, these factors have to be present (Huang, 2013, p. 21). With raw materials, equipment, and labor, the company can produce the goods needed by different consumers at a time. Hence, for the success of the supply chain, all these factors should be available. Another factor that is crucial in the supply chain is transportation. For the supply chain to be successful, there has to be a means of moving the inventory from different points. Raw materials have to be moved from their place of origin to the factory. Additionally, the finished goods have to be transported from the factory to the market. Thus, transportation is a crucial factor that is needed in the chain. The company should select a means of transportation after considering several factors such as cost, speed, and quantity that can be transported at a time (Huang, 2013, p. 21). If the market is far away from the factory, the company can consider air or sea transport. Again, when deciding whether to use air or sea, the nature of goods should be considered. Bulky products are best transported via sea or railway if the areas are accessible to these means. Coca-Cola mainly transports their products through the air, although other means are applicable if the intended destination is not far away. Information is another key factor in the supply chain that every company should strive to enhance. A good communication system between suppliers, the company, distributors, and retailers ensures that the products take minimal time to get to the market. Coca-Cola Company has invested in great communication systems which enable it to track the consumption behavior of their customers. Information assists planning in the chain and an excellent communication model can increase the profitability of a venture (Huang, 2013, p. 22). Therefore, the company can know the areas where consumption is high and decide to increase distribution centers or expand the current ones. In these distribution areas, the company can store the products ensuring that customers do not have to wait. Communication with the other members of the supply chain also informs them of areas that need more attention and those that are potentially profitable ones. The company keeps track of weather patterns so that their prod ucts are directed to the right markets at the right time (Boardroom Insiders, 2015). For instance, during the cold season, consumption may decrease, and it would be a waste to keep supplying these areas with the soft drinks. On the other hand, hot seasons call for an increase of supply to the regions experiencing such weather. Another factor that is crucial in the supply chain is sourcing. The company involves other parties to assist in the distribution of the product to the final consumer. These parties include wholesalers, retailers, and logistic companies among others (Huang, 2013, p. 22). For large enterprises such as Coca-Cola, these parties are essential in availing the goods to the final consumer. The company relies on Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) in the distribution of the beverages after production (CokeCCE, 2016). One of the primary reasons for the success in their supply management is the presence of resources to improve their efficiency. CCE makes sure that they have the latest technology to assist in the chain. For instance, it opened an automatic storage and retrieval system in one of their distribution in the Netherlands. The facility, located in Dongen, now has a system that can automatically move cans and pallets of bottles. This assists in easy retrieval and hence faster transportation to the intended market (Boardroom Insiders, 2015). Additionally, the company is usually in the forefront to test and acquire new technology that can assist them in increasing efficiency. Technology is a major factor influencing the success of businesses in the current business environment. For instance, new ways of transport lower expenses incurred in availing the goods in the market. The company that is determined to acquire the best technology will have greater efficiency in their operations (University of San Francisco, 2016). After many years of producing and marketing their products, the company has achieved large economies of scale which enable them to sell to wholesalers at very low prices. Therefore, they can produce at significantly lower cost than their other rivals in the industry (Buzacott, 2014, p. 204). Subsequently, these distributors and wholesalers can sell to retailers at slightly higher prices and still earn a considerable profit. The retailers can then avail the products to the final consumers at a fair price. It is important to note that a good supply chain could positively influence the performance of any company. For instance, if the wholesalers hike the prices of goods with the aim of making more profit, the retailers will be forced to sell them at a higher price to the final consumers. These may lower the demand for such products thus hurting the company's performance. Hence, the company has to use a very efficient supply chain that will contribute to their success. A supply chain also requires employees who are motivated to push the company forward. Through incentives, the company has ensured that employees are motivated to be efficient in their assigned areas. The company has the required resources to hire the best people to assist in the supply chain management. The franchise also employs competent individuals with proven track records. For instance, Ronald James Lewis, the supply chain chief in CCE has a vast experience in the sector through both internal and external exposure (Boardroom Insiders, 2015). A good relationship between all stakeholders is crucial as they hold a large stake in the success of the venture (Liu, 2012, p. 122). Suppliers have to deliver raw materials on time, and at a reasonable price to enable the production of high quality and affordable soft drinks. Therefore, for the success of any supply chain, there has to be a good relationship between all parties involved. To improve their efficiency in supply all over the globe, Coca-Cola has also incorporated a franchising model in its operations. Through this model, the company only produces the primary raw materials to be used in the manufacture of the soft drinks. These basic raw materials, which include syrups and beverage bases, are then sold to the different bottling partners spread all over the world (Srivastava Verma, 2012, p. 316). Thus, these partners can produce the final products in the areas where the consumers are located. Coca-Cola Company has eased the operations in the supply chain as they do not incur costs once they provide the syrup to the franchises. This method makes it easier to manage the supply chain from the company to the final consumer. In other enterprises, the final product comes from the company, and it has the role to ensure it reaches the intended consumers. Through this franchising method, the company has eliminated the bulkiness of transactions in the chain of supp ly. Each franchise has exclusive rights to handle a region thus the chain of supply is shorter and well-organized. Short chains are easier to manage, and the products can reach the retailers promptly (Manufacturing global, 2016). This model saves on transport costs which would be incurred if the final products were to come from the parent company. The company has managed to establish its presence throughout the globe throughout his method. The parent company just supervises the production process in this franchise also operating under their name (Liebowitz, 2016, p. 32). These primary raw materials consume far lesser space and costs and increase the efficiency of the chain. The franchise then complete the production process by adding other required ingredients, such as carbonate, sweeteners, and water. Then, they bottle the drinks and distribute them to wholesalers who later sell to retailers. The franchising method also enables market segmentation in different regions of the world. Hence, they can meet the needs of different consumers all over the globe. Other than Coca-Cola Enterprises, the company also owns shares in a large franchise such as Coca-Cola Amatil, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, and Coca-Cola FEMSA. As seen, the company has its presence all over the world due to their method of distribution. The franchising method enables them to serve consumers globally without having to incur heavy costs in the supply chain. They keep the formula of the base secret to avoid duplication thus enhancing control of the market. The Coca-Cola Export Corporation (TCCEC) is the corporation with exclusive rights to distribute the concentrate to all other affiliates companies in the world (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016). Although most of these franchise are independent, Coca-Cola gives the directions on bottling and branding of the final product. Hence, the soft drinks in different regions will be similar, yet their finishing is done in different companies. Through this, the company has managed to gain dominance in the industry in many parts of the world (Butler and Tischler, 2016, p. 59). Recently, the company opened up another bottling company in Mozambique, Africa. The new plant, the largest in the reg ion, will widen their African market considerably (Mano, 2016). Coca-Cola enterprise (CCE), the main franchise operating in Western Europe produces and sells Coca-Cola products in the region. It mainly sources raw materials locally hence the supply chain is short and fast (Boardroom Insiders, 2015). The company receives the major raw material from Coca-Cola Company and then adds sweeteners and other ingredients to produce the finished product (Computer Sciences Corporation, 2016). The final drink is obtained through mixing the secret Coca-Cola syrup and other additives (Nestle, 2015, p. 13). One main benefit is that they mainly serve the local population, and hence supply expenses are minimized. In 48 hours, the company can ensure that the drinks are on shelves of supermarkets and other areas of demand. Due to the long period of operation, Coca-Cola has been able to develop and strengthen the supply chain globally. Using the same route over an extended period creates a repetitive task which is easy to follow. On the other hand, companies supplying goods for the first time may have several challenges in their way before finally discovering an efficient chain. Rather than the company basing all the production in the headquarter factory, it has ensured that smaller companies are serving different regions (Gong, 2013, p. 47). The primary goal of associating with these other companies is to break down the complex supply chains that would be involved in serving consumers all over the world. The company has strived to keep its supply chains short to increase efficiency in the system which is vital to their success. The customer has to receive the beverages in good quality and without delays. Long supply chains only increase the time taken to reach the final consumer and increase the final cost. For example, if there are many intermediaries, in this case, the soft drinks would be expensive, and their rivals would take advantage of the situation to gain price leadership. Coca-Cola also makes strategic investments that improve the delivery of their products to the market. In the past, the company has been involved in mergers, acquisitions, and purchase of shares. For instance, the company bought shares in Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines Inc. in 2012 to bring their ownership at 51% (NoticiasFinancieras, 2012). One of the major factors that Coca-Cola Company considered is the large market for their products in the Philippines. Through this, the company will have greater access to the Philippines market. Additionally, it acquired a large franchise in Northern America to assist in their expansion in the region (Taylor, 2013). Recommendation Coca-Cola Company has succeeded in having an efficient supply chain, and this has been one factor that has contributed to their success. Their model of distribution reduces the complexity and bulkiness in the supply chain saving time and money in the process. Their chains are short and fast hence the customer can receive the beverages at an affordable price and in the reasonable time. One recommendation would be that they should invest in areas where their presence is not yet strongly felt. For instance, Africa has a large potential to drive the profits of the company even higher. In the remote areas, the company can partner with the government to develop transport facilities to enable movement of their goods more efficiently. Therefore, the company should be involved in development projects aimed at establishing their dominance even in remote areas. The company should seek to tap these potential markets early before their rivals establish their presence in them. Conclusion In conclusion, it is crucial for a company to have an efficient supply system that makes certain goods or services provided by the company reach the consumer in the best state. In the case of outsourcing the supply, they should look for the best companies available by considering their equipment, personnel, and performance in earlier contracts. Other factors that are essential in the chain include inventory, sourcing, information, transportation, and physical facilities. Consumer satisfaction should be the major aim of a company that plans to keep making profits in the long run. Coca-Cola has ensured that their products reach the consumers fast and at an affordable price. Through their franchising strategy, they have managed to establish their presence globally. The approach also assists in reducing the cost of transport of the products from the head company. Instead, they manufacture the syrup and sell it to their partners who then finish the production and bottle according to the s et guidelines. The company can hence avail soft drinks to the customers with minimal costs increasing their profit margin. Their vast resources enable them to acquire the latest technology which in turn increases their efficiency. It also maintains a good relationship with other stakeholders which is critical in the production process. Additionally, there is good communication in internally and externally which assists them to make informed decisions. References Bozarth C.C. Handfield R. B. (2016).Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition, Pearson Butler, D. and Tischler, L. (2016).Design to Grow: How Coca-Cola Learned to Combine Scale and Agility (and How You Can Too). New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. Available at Buzacott, J. (1982).Scale in Production Systems: IIASA Proceedings Series. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. Available at Coca-Cola FEMSA Signs a Definitive Agreement to Acquire 51% of The Coca-Cola Company's Philippines' Bottling Operation2012. NoticiasFinancieras, Miami. Available at CokeCCE. (2016).Coca-Cola European Partners: Our history. [online] Available at[Accessed 18 Jul. 2016]. Computer Sciences Corporation. (2016).Coca-Cola Supply Chain Management Success Story. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Jul. 2016]. Gong, Y. (2013).Global operations strategy fundamentals and practice. Berlin, Springer. Huang, S. (2013).Supply chain management for engineers,pp. 20-23 Available at Liebowitz, J. (2016).Beyond knowledge management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Available at Liu, C. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Rocky Soccer Academy Essay Example

Rocky Soccer Academy Paper Case Study: #3 Rocky Soccer Academy Case Assessment Worksheet Using Case Study #3, Complete the Worksheet Provided. Use this document as your format. Answer each section within the document retaining the questions to indicate your sections. I. Evaluate Henning’s options for growing Rocky’s customer base, including: A. What are Henning’s objectives? What resources does he have? Henning’s first objective is to have a larger facility built more suited for soccer training. The awareness for his program is close to 100 percent in Fort Collins but limited in surrounding cities. His second objective is to increase awareness of his program in surrounding cities. His third objective is to gain more customers in surrounding areas and try to retain his current customers who leave the program at the age of fourteen and fifteen. His current resources are the 600 kids he trains every year. His second resource is the quality of coaches he has on his staff. His coaches are experienced soccer players who are playing professionally over seas and playing at the collegiate level. B. What elements of consumer behavior might influence his decision? Henning would be influenced in his decision by a personal need. Perreault Jr, Cannon, and McCarthy state that personal needs are concerned with an individual’s need for personal satisfaction. Examples include accomplishment, fun, freedom, and relaxation ¬Ã¢â‚¬â€as well as a desire to make the world a better place (117). Henning obviously enjoys working with young people. His passion was so strong that it forced him to resign from his employment at the meat packing plant to teach soccer full time. With his coaching some of his customers have gone on to win national championships in the Fort Collins area. We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To see his customers find success on the soccer field must give him a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. He may want to bring this excitement to the surrounding areas, which would lead to full fill a social need. â€Å"Social needs are concerned with love, friendship, status, and esteem-things that involve a person’s interaction with others† (Perreault Jr, Cannon, and McCarthy 117). With his customers winning tournaments and finding success with his coaching they can share it with friends and family displaying the benefits of his coaching. Henning having success in Fort Collins would give him the confidence to enter new markets in the surrounding areas. C. What are the pros and cons of each option? The first option is to try to increase retention by developing programs targeted at kids over 14. His pros would be that he already has resources in place. The company image has a very good reputation as well. Henning’s soccer training business is one of the few companies providing soccer training. The con would be loss of interest in soccer. Soccer in America is the least popular sport in America. Baseball, football, and basketball are more wildly popular with teenagers. The second option is to develop a marketing strategy that would encourage his current customers to buy more. The pro in getting current customers to buy more would be customer retention and more revenue stream without entering into other markets. Henning could focus more attention on his current customers. The con would be missed opportunities in other markets. The third option is to try and grow the business by entering new markets and acquiring new customers in the age range of 6 to 9 years old. The pro in this option would be if customers that reach the age of fourteen and fifteen lose interest and stop receiving soccer training, he would have younger kids to fall back on in new markets. He would also have his facility and resources in place. The con would be Henning having to increase his staff to manage new customers. The fourth option is to serve more kids from Loveland, Longmont, and Greeley. The pro in option four is those cities are closer to Fort Collins and the populations combined number 140,000. There are some competitive soccer teams and very little soccer training, which means there is a need for soccer training. The cons would be the 25 mile distance from Fort Collins and the possibility that the population is not as passionate about soccer. D. Rank the options from strongest to weakest and explain why. Option 4 is to serve more kids from Loveland, Longmont, and Greeley. It is the strongest because Henning is already serving a few kids from those areas. The population combined is higher than Fort Collins. Soccer training is limited in the area. He would have more opportunities to advertise his business at soccer events in the local area. Option 2 is to develop a marketing strategy that would encourage his current customers to buy more. It is the second most attractive in that he already has a strong customer base. Product development in this area could retain customers and attract new customers. Option 1 is to retain kids that reach the age of 14 or 15 years. It is a weaker option because it focuses too much on the older kids and Henning will have to compete with other sports. To keep the older kids interested in soccer would require the sports popularity to increase, but that is difficult because in America basketball, baseball, and football are the most popular. Option 4 is to grow the business by entering new markets and acquiring new customers that range in age 6 to 9 years old. This option is the least attractive because 6 to 9 year olds would have to train under a different program, which would change the whole product. II. Select the two options you consider the most likely to be successful, defend your choice and develop marketing strategy for the two options. The first option I selected was option 4. Rocky soccer academy is well established in Fort Collins and has a great reputation in the community. Many of its customers from Fort Collins compete locally and all over the nation. Some have gone on to win national titles. Great coaching from Henning and his staff has produced positive results. All of these factors I felt were strengths. In the surrounding areas of Loveland, Longmont, And Greeley there is very little soccer training in the areas. With very little soccer training in the area, a good opportunity presented itself. The populations combined are 140,000. The population in Fort Collins is 110,000 and about 600 kids in that population acquire soccer training. From the surrounding areas Henning could possibly gain close to 600 more kids. If Henning were to gain more customers from the surrounding areas, it would justify building a larger facility. I chose to have the facility in Fort Collins. By having the facility located in Fort Collins this could turn away potential customers, making the location a weakness. To make acquiring Rocky soccer academy services more attractive, Henning could offer a one week trial free of charge and a 20 percent discount for 6 months. During the free trial period Henning can show with his coaching staff what differentiates his company from other alternatives. This would be the opportunity to sell Rocky soccer academies services, which should result in more customers. The second option I chose was option 2. Henning’s target market is current customers. I decided that he should offer a physical conditioning program that is tailored for soccer players to go along with soccer training. The added equipment needed to run this new program would justify building a larger facility. The larger facility will be built in Fort Collins. His reputation and his coaching staff are all strengths. A weakness I saw was the current customers may not see much of a point in conditioning. To alleviate some of those concerns a special promotion is needed. The first two weeks of the program would be free, giving customers an opportunity to see if they improved on the field. For those who choose to take part in the conditioning program a price increased will occur and they will have special privileges like use of a hot tub. Rocky Soccer Academy Essay Example Rocky Soccer Academy Essay Karl Henning came to the United States from the U. K. in 2000 on a soccer scholarship. Karl grew up playing soccer on many competitive teams through high school and had a brief profession career in England. When St. Albans College recruited him to play soccer, he thought it would open his life to a grand adventure. That adventure changed his life. While at St. Albans, Henning met his future wife, Dawn Jacobs, how also played soccer there. She graduated a year ahead of him and went to Fort Collins, Colorado, where she played on the semiprofessional Fort Collins Force women’s soccer team. When Henning finished college, he followed Jacobs to northern Colorado. Jacobs was captain of the Force and worked for the sports marketing company that owned the team. Henning got a job at local meat packing plant, but soccer was his passion. He mad the practice squad for the Colorado Rapids Major League Soccer team, but injuries cut his professional career short. Another passion for Henning became teaching soccer to kids. He has a natural talent for coaching. Henning is charismatic, kids enjoy his easy-going demeanor and British accent and he really knows soccer and how to teach the game to youngsters. We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In 2006, Henning founded the Rocky Soccer Academy- attribute to the proximity of the Rocky Mountains. At first he trained small groups of young players aged 7 to 14. He grouped them by age, gender and skill and conducted training sessions for small groups of five to seven at a local park. The first kids he attracted came by word of mouth as they quickly told friends and teammates about â€Å" this British guy who teaches soccer and make it fun†. His small after-school camps quickly grew to include more than 50 kids. Word continued to get around, and by the following summer Henning conducted 10 different camps and quit his job at the meat packing plant. He also trained 11 different Rocky 3v3 soccer teams that competed in tournaments across the state and nation during the Rocky name across the front and the success of these teams made the jerseys a great promotion vehicle. In 2008 four of his teams competed in the national 3v3 soccer tournament, with one winning a national championship. To keep up with the rapid growth, Henning brought a few friends over from England to assist with training. Will Bowman moved to the United States to become Henning’s assistant director of coaching. Henning and Bowman planned to work year-round as trainers and hire s couple of local coaches to help them conduct training sessions. During the summer he added a couple of local college soccer players and a few former team mates from England. The summer seasons works nice for his British mates because that is the off season for those still playing professionally. Henning is confident he can hire and train more coaches if he needs them to handle future growth. Youth soccer is big in Colorado and cross much of the United States. It is the largest participation sport for kids. Fort Collins is a soccer hotbed and this has helped Henning’s business grow. He now trains about 600 kids per year. But he has greater ambitions. For example he would like to build a training facility, the space he currently rents is not always well-suited to soccer. However he figures he would needs to double his business to justify the cost of the soccer complex he wants to build. So he is now wondering how to grow his business. About 90 percent of his current customers live in Fort Collins, which has a population of about 110 000 people. Henning believes awareness of his program is close to 100 percent among competitive soccer players ages 11 – 14 and is probably at about 40 percent among families with soccer playing kids ages 6 to 10. most of his customers are 10 to 13 years old and enroll in two to three Rocky programs per year. He has also run a few camps in Boulder and Northglenn, which are about 50 miles from Fort Collins. These have been successful but are currently limited. There are several small cities within 25miles of Fort Collins. Loveland a city of about 60 000 borders Fort Collins on the year. Greeley and Longmont each with about 80 000 people, are about 25 miles away by interstate highway. These areas have very limited soccer training programs except for their competitive term and awareness of Rocky is not very high. Those who have heard of his academy are often not very familiar with its philosophy and programs. Henning is not sure if parents in these communities would be wiling to drive their kids to Fort Collins for training. If not, he would have to run his programs there. Henning knows that he wants to grow his business, but wonders how he can accomplish his goal. He currently sees a few options: 1. His current customer retention rate is pretty high about 80%. However when the kids reach 14 or 15 years old, other high school sports and activities make them less interested in extra soccer training. One option is to try to increase retention by developing programs targeted at kids over 14. 2. Another option is to develop a marketing strategy that would encourage his current customers to buy more. He wonders if they have other needs that he might be able to serve. 3. Henning could try to grow the business by entering new markets and acquiring new customers. His markets penetration with kids 6 to 9 years old is still quite modest. He might develop new programs to better meet this groups needs. 4. Another new market option would be to serve more kids from Loveland, Longmont and Greeley. Evaluated Hennings different options for growing Rocky customer equity. Develop a set of marketing strategy ideas for each of the options. What could Henning do for market research to better assess his options? Please do solution for gender wage discrimination. In 2-3 pages. Rocky Soccer Academy Essay Example Rocky Soccer Academy Essay Karl Henning came to the United States from the U. K. in 2000 on a soccer scholarship. Karl grew up playing soccer on many competitive teams through high school and had a brief profession career in England. When St. Albans College recruited him to play soccer, he thought it would open his life to a grand adventure. That adventure changed his life. While at St. Albans, Henning met his future wife, Dawn Jacobs, how also played soccer there. She graduated a year ahead of him and went to Fort Collins, Colorado, where she played on the semiprofessional Fort Collins Force women’s soccer team. When Henning finished college, he followed Jacobs to northern Colorado. Jacobs was captain of the Force and worked for the sports marketing company that owned the team. Henning got a job at local meat packing plant, but soccer was his passion. He mad the practice squad for the Colorado Rapids Major League Soccer team, but injuries cut his professional career short. Another passion for Henning became teaching soccer to kids. He has a natural talent for coaching. Henning is charismatic, kids enjoy his easy-going demeanor and British accent and he really knows soccer and how to teach the game to youngsters. We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Rocky Soccer Academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In 2006, Henning founded the Rocky Soccer Academy- attribute to the proximity of the Rocky Mountains. At first he trained small groups of young players aged 7 to 14. He grouped them by age, gender and skill and conducted training sessions for small groups of five to seven at a local park. The first kids he attracted came by word of mouth as they quickly told friends and teammates about â€Å" this British guy who teaches soccer and make it fun†. His small after-school camps quickly grew to include more than 50 kids. Word continued to get around, and by the following summer Henning conducted 10 different camps and quit his job at the meat packing plant. He also trained 11 different Rocky 3v3 soccer teams that competed in tournaments across the state and nation during the Rocky name across the front and the success of these teams made the jerseys a great promotion vehicle. In 2008 four of his teams competed in the national 3v3 soccer tournament, with one winning a national championship. To keep up with the rapid growth, Henning brought a few friends over from England to assist with training. Will Bowman moved to the United States to become Henning’s assistant director of coaching. Henning and Bowman planned to work year-round as trainers and hire s couple of local coaches to help them conduct training sessions. During the summer he added a couple of local college soccer players and a few former team mates from England. The summer seasons works nice for his British mates because that is the off season for those still playing professionally. Henning is confident he can hire and train more coaches if he needs them to handle future growth. Youth soccer is big in Colorado and cross much of the United States. It is the largest participation sport for kids. Fort Collins is a soccer hotbed and this has helped Henning’s business grow. He now trains about 600 kids per year. But he has greater ambitions. For example he would like to build a training facility, the space he currently rents is not always well-suited to soccer. However he figures he would needs to double his business to justify the cost of the soccer complex he wants to build. So he is now wondering how to grow his business. About 90 percent of his current customers live in Fort Collins, which has a population of about 110 000 people. Henning believes awareness of his program is close to 100 percent among competitive soccer players ages 11 – 14 and is probably at about 40 percent among families with soccer playing kids ages 6 to 10. most of his customers are 10 to 13 years old and enroll in two to three Rocky programs per year. He has also run a few camps in Boulder and Northglenn, which are about 50 miles from Fort Collins. These have been successful but are currently limited. There are several small cities within 25miles of Fort Collins. Loveland a city of about 60 000 borders Fort Collins on the year. Greeley and Longmont each with about 80 000 people, are about 25 miles away by interstate highway. These areas have very limited soccer training programs except for their competitive term and awareness of Rocky is not very high. Those who have heard of his academy are often not very familiar with its philosophy and programs. Henning is not sure if parents in these communities would be wiling to drive their kids to Fort Collins for training. If not, he would have to run his programs there. Henning knows that he wants to grow his business, but wonders how he can accomplish his goal. He currently sees a few options: 1. His current customer retention rate is pretty high about 80%. However when the kids reach 14 or 15 years old, other high school sports and activities make them less interested in extra soccer training. One option is to try to increase retention by developing programs targeted at kids over 14. 2. Another option is to develop a marketing strategy that would encourage his current customers to buy more. He wonders if they have other needs that he might be able to serve. 3. Henning could try to grow the business by entering new markets and acquiring new customers. His markets penetration with kids 6 to 9 years old is still quite modest. He might develop new programs to better meet this groups needs. 4. Another new market option would be to serve more kids from Loveland, Longmont and Greeley. Evaluated Hennings different options for growing Rocky customer equity. Develop a set of marketing strategy ideas for each of the options. What could Henning do for market research to better assess his options? Please do solution for gender wage discrimination. In 2-3 pages.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Incompatible legislation and Human Rights in the UK The WritePass Journal

Incompatible legislation and Human Rights in the UK Introduction Incompatible legislation and Human Rights in the UK IntroductionBibliography:Related Introduction First of all, much debate in the United Kingdom amongst commentators and some judges in relation to the human rights are currently being generated. The amalgamation of the European convention on human rights was introduced by Tony Blair (prime minister of the United Kingdom from the 2nd of May to the 27th June 2007) who led the government in 1998, and more importantly it was known as Human Right Act 1998. The  EuropeanCourtofHumanRightsin  Strasbourg is a  national  court, formed by the  European Convention on Human Rights, which provides legal remedy of final alternative for persons who feel that their  human rights  have been desecrated by a contracting party to the Convention. In addition, I would like to state that it is against the law for public authorities to act contrary to the convention rights. Parliamentary Sovereignty which has however been elemental to the constitution of England and Wales since the 17th century had an important role when it came to the realization of the incorporation of the European Court of Human Right (ECHR) into the United Kingdom law but the convention rights come into force through an Act of Parliament. Second of all, The Human Right Act section 6 also states that public authorities including courts must take actions attuned with definite Convention Rights as enforced in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Meanwhile, the Human Rights Act empowers the judiciary courts to interpret both delegated and primary legislations which is very well incompatible with the Convention Rights. Incompatibility under section 4 of the European Court of Human Right only comes in place when the domestic legislation is in conflict with the ECHR, interestingly it does not affect the validity of the legislation and the right to legislate contrary to the human rights are kept because no one can override any law at all which is made by the parliament, for an incompatible legislation to be set aside and stop to exist some amendments have to e made by the parliament. Incompatible legislation will have to go through the parliament for amendment and scrutiny. There would have been a massive entrenchment on the citizens’ individual human rights because protective mechanism would not have taken place within this period as was in the case of GC C v Commissioner of Police for Metropolis. This is an arbitrary policy which fails to permit consideration of personal factors and it as well permits imprecise custody of samples received in state of affairs where neither of the claimants have been accused of any offence or convicted of any offence. Although section 54 of the Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001 Section 82, which was amended states that fingerprints and DNA samples can be retained and used for the purposes related to the prevention and detention of crime investigating offences or conducting persecutions. Furthermore, Public authorities have a defence if legislation requires them to act the way they did in section 6(2), this was shown in the GC C v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis [2010] EWHC 2225, through the policy which the Chief Constable of police officers adopted, in cognizance to retain biometric samples, DNA and fingerprints for an unlimited period like was explained above, and it infringes individual rights. Lastly, the introduction of the Human Rights Act is a development which is very well welcome because of its protection of individual convention rights. European Court of Human Right laws are not merged automatically into the United Kingdoms’ law simply because the United Kingdom is a dualist state unlike many continental European countries, which are monist. In dualist states a treaty ratified by the Government does not change the laws of the state except and until it is incorporated into national law by legislation. Until incorporating legislation is put to force, the national courts have no authority to put into effect treaty rights and obligations both on behalf of the Government or a private human being. Parties agree to secure these rights and freedoms to everyone within their jurisdiction. The Convention also establishes international enforcement machinery. To ensure the observance of the activities undertaken by the Parties, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has been set up; it  deals  with individual and inter-State petitions. At the demand of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Court may also give advisory opinions with reference to or pertaining the interpretation of the Conventions and the protocols thereto. Under the European Communities Act 1972 (ECA) Parliament willingly gave effect to the United Kingdoms’ obligations and duties under the previous Community and now European Union Treaties in national law. The European Community Act (ECA) defines the legitimately certified or legal relationship amid the two if not separate spheres of law, and exclusive of it European Union law could not become part of national law. Most of the Contracting Parties to the European Convention on Human Rights have included the Convention into their own national legal orders, either through constitutional provision, statute or judicial decision. Coupled with the access of force of Protocol No. 11, has radically improved the status of Convention rights, and the impact of the case law of European Court of Human Rights. In conclusion, the laws cannot be changed because of GC C v Commissioner of Police for Metropolis because a law made is a law to be kept and followed. It cannot be made flexible or easily amended at any given time because if it did there would not be any respect for the law and that would make the law be easily influenced which is not good for a country or state. Human Rights in the United Kingdom are not being fully protected but despite that fact the court has however being able to protect individual rights just like in the case of   R v The Head Teacher and Governors of Denbigh High School [2006]   UKHL 15, where the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords   was In favour with shabina Begum. Bibliography: Le Sueur, A., Sunkin, M., Murkens, J.E.K., ‘Public Law: Text, Cases and Materials’, (Oxford University Press: New York 2010) Le Sueur, A. Sunkin, M., ‘Public Law’, (Addison Wesley Longman Limited: New York, 1997)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Four Seasons in Spanish

The Four Seasons in Spanish Most of the Spanish-speaking world speaks of four seasons of the year (estaciones del aà ±o), just as in English: el invierno - winterla primavera - springel verano - summer (Another word for summer, el està ­o, has mostly literary use.)el otoà ±o - autumn or fall As in English, seasons are deemed to begin and end in a formal sense on the years longest and shortest days. For example, summer begins around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere but around Dec. 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. But in a popular sense summer can also be thought of as including the hottest months, typically June, July, and August in the Northern Hemisphere but December, January, and February in the Southern Hemisphere. In much of the tropics, however, just two seasons are recognized locally: la estacià ³n lluviosa - rainy season or wet season, which can also be called inviernola estacià ³n seca - dry season, which can also be called verano When To Use the Definite Article With Seasons The definite article (el or la) is almost always used with the names of the seasons. In many cases, it is used where it isnt in English: La primavera es la à ©poca del aà ±o en que se manifiestan ms evidentemente los procesos del nacimiento y el crecimiento. (Spring is the time of the year in which the processes of birth and growth are most evident.)El otoà ±o me parece abrumadoramente triste. (Autumn seems overwhelmingly sad to me.)El verano se acerca. (Summer is getting near.)No tengo algo para hacer durante el invierno. (I dont have anything to do during winter.) The same rule applies in the plural form: Los veranos de la ciudad nos traen grandes conciertos. (Summers in the city bring us great concerts.)Me encantan los colores brillantes de los otoà ±os de Nueva Inglaterra. (I love the brilliant colors of New England autumns.)No me gustan los inviernos. (I dont like winters.) Determiners such as este (this) and un (one) can substitute for the definite article. The names of the four seasons are typically used with definite articles in Spanish.Spanish speakers in the tropics often refer to two seasons, the rainy and dry seasons.It is common to use de season to speak of the seasons in adjective form. When You Dont Need the Definite Article The definite article can be omitted (but doesnt have to be) after forms of the verb ser and the prepositions en and de: En verano debemos cuidar el pelo con productos diseà ±ados para esta estacià ³n. (In summer we should take care of our hair with products designed for this season.)Los colores de primavera son muy llamativos y bonitos. (Spring colors are very intense and pretty.)Ya era otoà ±o en Parà ­s. (It was already autumn in Paris.) Etymology of the Seasons Names The main names of the four seasons in Spanish all come from Latin: Invierno comes from hibernum, which is also the source for hibernate.Primavera is related to primera (first) and ver (to see), because it is the time of year when it is possible to first see new life.Verano comes from veranum, which in Latin could refer to either spring or summer.Otoà ±o comes from autumnus, the source of the English autumn. Adjectival Forms Most of the time, the equivalent of adjectives such as wintry and summery can be translated  by combining the name of the season with de to create a phrase such as de invierno and de verano. There are also separate adjectival forms that are sometimes used: invernal (wintry), primavernal (springlike), veraniego (summery), and otoà ±al (autumnal). Verano also has a verb form, veranear, which means to spend the summer away from home. Sample Sentences Referring to Seasons Cada primavera, las ms de 200 especies de plantas con flores que hay en el parque crean una brillante exhibicià ³n. (Every spring, the 200-plus species of flowered plants in the park create a brilliant display.)El otoà ±o es un buen momento para visitar Mà ©xico. (Fall is a good time for visiting Mexico.)La estacià ³n lluviosa dura en el interior del paà ­s desde mayo hasta octubre. (The rainy season  lasts in the countrys interior from May until October.) ¿Cunto costar esquiar en Chile este invierno? (How much will it cost to ski in Chile this winter?)Los dà ­as de verano son largos. (Summer days are long.)El riesgo de incendios forestales de la estacià ³n seca supera este aà ±o. (The risk of forest fires in the dry season will increase this year.)Era un verano involidable. (It was an unforgettable summer.)El otoà ±o en Japà ³n es el clima ms agradable del aà ±o. (Autumn in Japan has the most pleasant weather of the year.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health epidemiology & statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health epidemiology & statistics - Essay Example The city of Houston is situated on the Galveston bay in the eastern part of Texas. It is in close proximity to the Texas Gulf Coast and it takes about 2 hours to reach the border between Texas and Louisiana from the city. Unofficially, it is popularly known as the â€Å"Bayou city† since it has four bayous running through it. The official nickname of the city is â€Å"Space city†. This title is derived from the fact that it is home to Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center of NASA. This is place that contains the location of mission control. It has one of the busiest ports; the port of Houston. The place is additionally well known for its energy or oil or its many industries that deal with aeronautics. One of the most renowned medical centers is also located in Houston (Olien & Olien, 2002). The region has many housings and zonings. These are found along the main road, where there are plenty of apartment complexes. These are built using modern ideas and are mainly gated. Although others houses appear to have been built in the 1980s, there are others that were recently constructed with most of them having the average length of about 3 to 4 levels. There is a mix of the old houses and the new houses that are located within each other. They come in a wide historical range from historical to modern with some of them being older and neglected while others are modern and sophisticated. Besides these, there are also numerous healthcare institutions. The area around Houston in Texas is largely an open space. However, it does not provide adequate fresh air since it is occupied by commercial buildings and residents. It is also surrounded by a number of parks. These include trailing parks, playgrounds, and basketball courts, which are open for use by the public as well as the dog owners. The bayou is surrounded by plenty of green grass and many trees. The neighborhood in this region has boundaries made of highways. The main mode of transport is by car though there

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sociology - Essay Example The research methods should be realized as means of acting on the environment and their quality can be judged by their ability to yield reliable results. The act of making observations in life is largely dependent on personal fancy, bias, ideological preferences etc. Therefore, the scientific process of building reliability and validity in life is essential and it should be based on the features of discovery and verification. Both discovery and verification are essential components of finding reliability and validity in life. Consequently, the scientific basis of sociology clearly suggests that the discovery process and the issues of verification should be given equal significance in research methods. â€Å"If priority is given to the discovery process, the issues of verification, reliability, and validity become more than technical in nature†¦ If issues of verification are placed above the discovery process, a wedge is driven between the goals and the methods of sociology.â₠¬  (Douglas, 268) In the former case, the quality of research is determined by the public elements, whereas the latter case the goals and the methods of sociology are affected. Therefore, discovery as well as verification should be given equal relevance in finding reliability and validity in life.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Devil in the White City Book Summary Essay Example for Free

Devil in the White City Book Summary Essay The Devil in the White City, written by Eric Larson, is a gripping novel of two polar opposite men during the building of the World’s Fair in Chicago. It surrounds two characters, both extremely talented at their ‘craft’ and perfectly depicts the rush for industrialization in this time. It follows the lives of Daniel H. Burnham, the fairs brilliant director of works and the builder of many of the countrys most important structures, and Henry H. Holmes, a serial killer who built a hotel turned torture chamber complete with a dissection table, gas chamber, and crematorium. This story is so interesting because it details true life events and uses real life characters such as Susan B. Anthony, Thomas Edison, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Meshing these two characters together enhances the intensity of the story and truly shows the effect of the building of the World’s Fair on Chicago in late 1880 and early 1890. The book begins in 1890, when Chicago is a candidate to hold the World’s Fair, or the World’s Columbian Exposition, meant to commemorate Columus’ arriving in America. Daniel Burnham was responsible for building the White City. He overcame multiple crushing obstacles and personal tragedies to make the Fair the magical, awe-inspiring event that it was. He brought together some of the greatest architects of the Gilded Age such as Charles McKim, George Post, Richard Hunt, Frederick Law Olmsted, and others, and convinced them of the importance of the Fair. Burnham somehow got them to work together to achieve what many considered to be an impossible project in an astonishingly short amount of time. The result of their strenuous hard work ended in a beautiful even that brought almost 40 million people to the city of Chicago and transformed the shoreline of Chicago forever. A few miles away, in the suburb of Englewood, a different kind of story was unfolding. Dr. H. H. Holmes had built a boarding house turned torture chamber on one full city block. Holmes was described as a handsome, blue-eyed charmer who had away with women. He would seduce, mesmerize, and intrigue them, all the way up until the pint at where he killed them. He had many ways of torture and death, such as smothering them with ether-soaked rags, of locking them in an air tight chamber and releasing poisonous gas into them. After killing his victims, Holmes would often dissect them; removing their skin, selling their skeletons to be used in medical school. He truly was the worst victim, due to his sociopathic mind that prayed on the vulnerable and found a certain unexplainable joy in the art of killing.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Maus :: essays research papers

Maus is one of the most famous of recent graphic novels. Winner of the prestigious Pulitzer prize for literature, it's the harrowing true story of a Jewish holocaust survivor, retold to his son decades later. The story has two main threads. The first is the true story of Holocaust survivor Vladek Spiegelman's experiences as a young Jewish man during the horrors leading up to and including his confinement in Auschwitz. The second intertwining story is about Vladek as an old man, recounting his history to his son Art, the author of the book, and the complicated relationship between the two of them. It's a difficult process for both father and son, as Vladek tries to make sense of his twighlight years, indelibly marked by his experiences and a slave to the processes he had to resort to in order to make it through. On this level, it's also about Art, as he comes to terms with what his father went through, while still finding the more irritating aspects of his father's personality difficult to live with. Maus uses anthropomorphic characters, using different species of animal to represent the different characters' race or nationality - Jews are mice, Germans are cats, Americans are dogs and the Polish are pigs. This doesn't always quite work, though Spiegleman is acutely aware of this as he struggles with whether or not to make his French wife, converted to Judaism before they got married, into a mouse or some other species. Please don't instantly dismiss this as childish nonsense though - it owes more to Animal Farm than Mickey Mouse. It's a sad tale, as although Vladek survives the Holocaust, the shadow of the great swathe of humanity that was butchered by the Nazi killing factories hangs over the entire book. It is also haunted by the ghosts of Vladek's first wife Anja and their son Richieu; the former surviving Auchwitz but eventually committing suicide, the latter not making it out of Poland. This book, originally a two volume work is now available in an excellent 'complete' edition in the UK, which binds both chilling volumes into one and is an excellent way for new readers to get hold of this classic work of literature.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

12 Steps to Recovery Essay

Addiction of any substance is an extremely difficult thing to accept. When we finally realize that We have a problem it is up us to admit it. Once we have accepted that we are addicted we have made the first and most important step to recovery. We learn that once recovery is what we want in our lives there are steps to take these steps is to mean we are ready to completely give yourself to a higher power. This higher power can be anything or anyone we want it to be, whether it be God or someone we can really trust and depend on. There are 12 steps to recovery that will help us stay clean and help us be successful in staying in recovery. This we call the â€Å"12 Step Program. † The first step to recovery is we admit we’re powerless over our addiction and our lives have become unmanageable. This means admitting weeven have an addiction problem. By saying your life has become unmanageable states that we don‘t want to continue living your life the way have been during your addiction. Our addiction has taken over our life, and admitting that we’re an addict helps us take responsibility for our actions instead of blaming others as we did before. The second step is we have come to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity as we knew it. See more:  The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay For most of us our higher power is god. We would give everything to our higher power and ask him for forgiveness. We then would recite the Serenity Prayer to help us. The Serenity Prayer is â€Å"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference! † This is a very powerful prayer as I feel today. The third step is that we’ve made the decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understand and know him. We allow him to guide us through the recovery process we are going through. He lets us know that we are not alone in this, and we will never be alone again as long as we have him in our lives. The fourth step is making a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. We look inside ourselves to find out what our morals are and to figure out what we believe in. We figure out what we stand for and learn what we think is right and wrong in life. In this step you must become brutally honest with yourself knowing that there’s nothing we can do to change the past. This does not mean you are a bad person but that you have made some bad decisions in our lives, that we as human beings are not perfect. The fifth step is when we have admitted to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact natures of our wrongs we have done during our addiction. Completing this step gets the monkey off your back pursay. More than most people the addict lead a double life. This means we are only showing what we want people to see. Not being honest and showing our true colors. We still continued to lie and expected to be able to stay clean. Through this step we learned that this is not possible in order to stay clean and live a honest life through recovery. Those of us that belong to religious sanctuaries can confide in the proper person of that faith . Others that are not religious may find someone they can confide in such as a doctor or therapist. Someone that we can trust to keep what has been said in confidence. We cannot disclose anything to our family because we are not allowed to say things to them that will make them unhappy. We cannot save our own skins by making someone else unhappy. By doing so our fears come closer and we begin to realize that our life is opening up and showing what our life was really about . This is the scariest thing we will do. And the hardest step to complete out of all 12 of them. The sixth step is when we ask God to remove these defects of character. Which in turn means we surrender our whole self to God? When we are ready, we say to him something like this: â€Å"My Creator, I am now willing that you should have all of me, good and bad. I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows. Grant me strength, as I go out from here, to do your bidding. Amen† The seventh step we become willing to ask God to help us to remove all of our shortcomings. This is not a long step and like I said previously it’s not one of the hardest steps to do during recovery.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Capital Budgeting Essay

This paper will give a comparison between the various preferred capital budgeting evaluation techniques in the corporate business setting. There will be a recommendation given for the Guillermo Furniture Company based on the results of one or more evaluation techniques, which in turn will help direct the financial health of the organization. Corporations are continually striving to improve the financial health of its organization and one strategic way many corporations are doing that is through capital budgeting. Capital budgeting involves choices. The choices revolve around projects that will add value to the organization. The projects can include acquiring land, purchasing a truck, or replacing old equipment. Many times, corporations are encouraged to undertake projects that will increase its profitability. The challenge is to find the appropriate evaluation method to bring the intended profitability into reality. The three preferred evaluation methods that many corporations use are net present value, internal rate of return, and payback period. Many corporations often calculate capital budgeting solutions using all three methods. However, each method often produces contradictory results. The net present value method is the most accurate valuation approach to capital budgeting issues (smallbusiness). If a corporation can discount the after tax cash flow by the weighted average cost of capital, managers can determine if the project will be profitable or not. The net present value method reveals exactly how profitable a project will be to the corporation versus the alternative methods (Chen, 2012). With the various evaluation methods, corporations can base the decisions for the future on the results of the evaluation. The net present value method takes the time value of money by discounting an investment’s future return to a present value (Chen, 2012). The thought behind the time value of money concept is that a dollar in hand today is worth more than the same dollar in the future. In capital budgeting decisions, the net present value discount is taken into consideration when the present value of the future return is compared with the present value of the cash outflows on any investment (Mason, 2011). If a corporation, such as Guillermo Furniture, is considering using the net present value method, the return on the investment would show clearly whether it is more than sufficient to increase the financial health of the corporation or not. Another preferred evaluation method is the internal rate of return. The internal rate of return is a discount rate that results from a net present value equal to zero (Mason, 2011). When the internal rate of return is higher than the weighted average cost of capital, it would be considered a profitable endeavor and thus should be pursued (Steven, 2010). A major advantage of the internal rate of return method is that it provides a benchmark for every project (Steven, 2010). This can allow a corporation to compare projects on the basis of the return on invested capital. For example, if Guillermo Furniture’s internal rate of return results higher than the cost of capital, it would be determined that the project is acceptable, and the corporation should move forward on the project. However, if the results are less than the cost of capital, the corporation should abort the project as it would hurt the financial health of the corporation. The final preferred evaluation method used by corporations is the payback period method. The payback period method reveals the amount of time it would take to recover the initial investment on a particular project (smallbusiness). Even though this method is considered preferred, it can result in disappointment for many corporations who value the results (Steven, 2010). The main reason is the results do not factor in the cash flow in its entirety from a certain project, which can skew the overall result of the return on the potential investment (Steven, 2010). When a corporation analyzes this method, it is determined that it results in a break even measure and only measures the economic life of the particular investment revolving around the payback period (Steven, 2010). This method is used mainly as a comparative measure for the net present value and the internal rate of return giving a time frame of recovering the initial investment. After considering the three preferred evaluation methods, it was determined that the net present value method would be the method of choice for the Guillermo Furniture scenario for a couple of reasons. First, the corporation cannot rely solely on the payback method because it does not take into account the entire cash flow for the project. After calculating how much time it would take to recover the initial investment, it was found that it would take more than 50 years, which is unrealistic for capital budgeting purposes. The focus shifted to the second preferred method of internal rate of return. The internal rate of return proved that the return on the investment would only yield 10%. The calculation was based on taking the total investment of $1,354,141. 21 and dividing it on the number of years the profit was expected to continue, which totaled $133,742. 20. The expected rate of return for the project had to be at least 12% for the project to be acceptable. Based on the net present value calculations and taking the required rate of return of 12%, the number of years the profit is expected to continue, which is 5, and the future annual cash flows amount of $26,748. 4, the present value of future cash flows equaled $96,422. 14. The net present value is measured by taking the investment outflow ($96,422. 14) minus the present value of future cash flows ($1,354,141. 21), which equals $1,257,719. 07. By dividing this amount by the investment outflow, the rate of return on investment yields 13%. Therefore, it would be recommended that Guillermo Furniture use the net present valu e method for this project as it would improve the financial health of the corporation.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Working As A Teen

Putting objects into bags for other people and getting paid for it doesn’t sound like such a bad job. I mean, it doesn’t take much effort, and for a first job, it sounds like a good deal. Unfortunately, it just â€Å"sounds† like it. Bagging groceries has to be one of the most irritable jobs. After working at Winn Dixie for a year, I hope I never have to go back, at least not to work. And guess who are the main contributors of such frustration: the customers. They all seem to have different attitudes and feelings towards how their groceries are bagged. Some aren’t much of a bother and are just there to get their groceries and leave. Others seem to have stronger feelings towards my work and want more personalized service. The worst kind are the customers who demand a fully customized job and do everything possible to make those ten minutes of work a living hell. The first type of Winn Dixie customer is actually quite pleasant. Their objective is to just buy and leave, and not to worry about how their gallon of milk is bagged alone and in a double paper bag so that their car doesn’t get wet. This customer is always obvious. They’re usually the more social ones, and are sure to at least say â€Å"thank you† for the job. Sometimes, I might even get some help and they will come around, get a bag and share in the bagging experience along with conversation. Customers like these never complain and just leave it up to the employee’s training and common sense. They naturally expect a good job. The more caring, but bothersome type seems to show more concern. They don’t expect a good job as much as the â€Å"buy and leave† type, but want a good job and feel that only if they make suggestions and sometimes insult the employee’s intelligence, they will get just that. The main complaint that this person gives deals with the bread. Usually they want the bread completely alone, in its own bag, on top of everything.... Free Essays on Working As A Teen Free Essays on Working As A Teen Putting objects into bags for other people and getting paid for it doesn’t sound like such a bad job. I mean, it doesn’t take much effort, and for a first job, it sounds like a good deal. Unfortunately, it just â€Å"sounds† like it. Bagging groceries has to be one of the most irritable jobs. After working at Winn Dixie for a year, I hope I never have to go back, at least not to work. And guess who are the main contributors of such frustration: the customers. They all seem to have different attitudes and feelings towards how their groceries are bagged. Some aren’t much of a bother and are just there to get their groceries and leave. Others seem to have stronger feelings towards my work and want more personalized service. The worst kind are the customers who demand a fully customized job and do everything possible to make those ten minutes of work a living hell. The first type of Winn Dixie customer is actually quite pleasant. Their objective is to just buy and leave, and not to worry about how their gallon of milk is bagged alone and in a double paper bag so that their car doesn’t get wet. This customer is always obvious. They’re usually the more social ones, and are sure to at least say â€Å"thank you† for the job. Sometimes, I might even get some help and they will come around, get a bag and share in the bagging experience along with conversation. Customers like these never complain and just leave it up to the employee’s training and common sense. They naturally expect a good job. The more caring, but bothersome type seems to show more concern. They don’t expect a good job as much as the â€Å"buy and leave† type, but want a good job and feel that only if they make suggestions and sometimes insult the employee’s intelligence, they will get just that. The main complaint that this person gives deals with the bread. Usually they want the bread completely alone, in its own bag, on top of everything....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Start Getting Important Stuff Done!

10 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Start Getting Important Stuff Done! About a year ago, I decided it was time to create a customer service survey. So I went on line, found a surveying program and created some questions. I even went so far as to show it to my business coach, Susan Thomson, to get her feedback. She made some suggestions which I incorporated. Then I did what so many of us do mid-project, which was to sit on my butt. The survey sat there, all dressed up and nowhere to go. I didn’t send it to a single soul. Things go that way sometimes. I have a flip camera, for instance, that I bought two years ago and used for the first time†¦ ummm†¦ a month ago. Even then, I did not post the video I took with the camera. There are also certain collections of notes and papers – the ones I’m not sure what to do with – that gather dust in piles. And my new printer sat in its box on the floor of my office for a week before I finally pulled it out and set it up. All these tasks, and more, live in the realm of â€Å"Important, not Urgent,† one of the four quadrants identified by Steven Covey in his best-selling business management book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Often, until something happens to make one of these items urgent (such as I need to print something and I can’t get my old printer to work), I am likely to procrastinate completing the task. Letting â€Å"Important, not Urgent† tasks fall by the wayside leads to a high-pressure life. If I wait until an item is urgent before doing it, then I set myself up for stress. Everything is always urgent! Plus I never get things done that would make a huge difference for me or my business, even though they might be high-priority tasks. Surveying my customers is one of those items that is highly important for my business, but not urgent. It will never get done if I wait for it to become urgent. I have found a few tricks that help me break through the wall of resistance that keeps â€Å"Important, not Urgent† things from getting done. 1. Take stock. Identify what’s important. Every quarter, I attend a meeting of small businesses through a business coaching organization, ActionCOACH. During these quarterly workdays, we go through exercises that are hugely valuable in getting perspective on our business priorities. This past January, client contact and assessment came up as a high priority for The Essay Expert. When I created my calendar of tasks to complete over the quarter, my stagnating client survey came up high on the list of things to do. 2. Break it down. Important tasks often seem overwhelming because they are multi-faceted. If I can break the tasks down into small, attackable pieces, then I stop feeling overwhelmed. I know I can do something like â€Å"Call virtual assistant to talk about survey options.† It’s so much less intimidating than â€Å"Survey all my past clients.† 3. Put it on the calendar. If my calendar tells me to â€Å"Prepare survey† or â€Å"create list of emails for survey recipients† at a certain date and time, I will either do it at that date and time or reschedule it so it gets done. I am a slave to my calendar and that’s a good thing. After my quarterly workday in January, survey-related tasks went onto my calendar. They started to get done. [This calendaring system is how I get my blog written every week as well. It’s on my calendar, so I do it!] 4. Make promises to other people. Create accountability! In my January blog article, The Essay Expert’s New Year’s â€Å"Ressaylutions†- Completing 2011 and Creating 2012, I promised you that I would be sending out a client survey. Suddenly I became accountable to someone else. Since I wanted to announce at the end of 2012 that I did what I promised, I got into action! 5. Get help. It didn’t take me long to realize that I was not going to do this survey thing on my own. So I got help. My new virtual assistant, Jeanne, handled some of the logistical pieces of getting the survey finalized and sent out. I asked my web designer to take care of creating a new email address,, for purposes of administering the survey. Getting the support I needed accelerated the project tremendously. 6. Know the tools at your disposal. If you’re sending out a survey, it helps to use Survey Monkey. If you want to get piles of notes and papers off your desk, it helps to use a scanner and the brilliant cloud-based note-organizing program Evernote ( If you draw on your resources, you will almost always find an easier and/or alternative way to do what you’ve been putting off. Ask around. Be on the lookout for new tools and techniques. Those overwhelming tasks might not be as complicated as you had imagined. 7. Take action. It always comes down to just doing it. If I don’t take action, then regardless of how many action items are on my calendar, I won’t get results. If I take action, especially well-considered action (see #1-6), I have a fighting chance! 8. Keep taking action. This item might sound a lot like #7. But it’s different. Someone very smart said that the secret to getting results in life is to keep taking action until you get them. You might take initial action, not get the result you want, and promptly give up. The key to getting important stuff done is to stay in action even when things look like they’re not working or not going fast enough. If you give up on taking action, you give up on your results. 9. Take responsibility. Whether your important tasks are getting done or not, you are the one who is responsible for the situation. Blaming outside circumstances (â€Å"The survey program wouldn’t let me ask the questions I wanted to ask!† or â€Å"I don’t have time!†) will stall you out. In the survey project, many things interrupted me and presented obstacles. I chose to find a way around them. 10. Celebrate! I am going to celebrate getting my survey out. Sure, there will be a whole set of new tasks to conquer when this one is complete. But first it’s time to acknowledge what got done. And it IS going out!! Step by step, with lots of support along the way, I completed this important task. If you are a past client, you probably got an email yesterday requesting that you complete The Essay Expert’s client survey. If not, please take some time to respond now. TEE Client Survey. I look forward to being able to report on the results! I’d love to hear what tasks you are putting off that might get done if you put the eight items above into action. What progress will you be able to celebrate three months from now? 🙂 Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: February 22, 2012 at 9:58 am Youre welcome Jan! Id love to hear how these tips have worked for you in your life. Log in to Reply

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Design a Research Survey Plan Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design a Survey Plan - Research Proposal Example The claims also involve testing the theories in question (Punch, 1998). Before any research, Creswell (2003) observes that a researcher needs to conduct a pilot program for purposes of developing, adapting, and checking the viability of the techniques. This ensures effective determination of measurements and size of the final sample. Quantitative approach involves strategies of inquiry such as surveys and experimentation. Researchers collect data on fixed devices that produce statistical records. Creswell (2003) identifies the procedures of developing a survey, and the first procedure is to identify the aim of the survey, and the rationale of the design. At this stage, the researcher outlines the purpose of the research, and how he intends to use the results of the study (Creswell 2003, Punch 1998 and Cozby 1977). Creswell (2003), Zikmund (2003) and Trochim (2001) observe that a researcher must provide a summary of the topic under research, outlining what is known about the study, what is not known, and what is under dispute. At this stage, a researcher identifies gaps on the knowledge base of the study, and how the study seeks to fill these gaps (Tashakori et al, 1998). It is at this stage that a framework is developed to identify how the study is linked to the topic under consideration. The next stage involves identification of the population and sample (Creswell, 2003). Salkind (2010), Zikmund (2003) and Cozby (1977) define population as a collection of substances or objects that reflect a similar characteristic, and it is the main focus of the study. A sample refers to a minimal collection of a population. It is paramount for researchers to conduct their research by use of a sample (Creswell, 2003). This is because it is expensive and time consuming to test all the subjects in a population. In analyzing a sample, researchers ought to pick a considerable size to warrant a statistical