Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Role of International Organizations in Global Politics Coursework

The Role of International Organizations in Global Politics - Coursework Example Who regulates world politics and resolves the conflicts that naturally arise? And who regulates this regulatory body? The answer to that is a body that is not only answerable to by other countries but also answerable for itself to itself. These bodies are collectively known as International Organizations. The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations (2004) defines International Organizations as â€Å"formal institutional structures transcending national boundaries which are created by multilateral agreement among nation states. What is the role these structures play, and how do they transcend these boundaries? How are these multilateral agreements reached and how is it ensured that they are abided by. These are the questions this essay hopes to explore. The main purpose of international organizations is to foster international cooperation in areas such as security, law, economic and social matters, and diplomacy.†Ã‚   In other words, international organizations are organizations that have global participants and therefore a global influence and mainly are either government or semi-government in nature. As the name suggests, the former refers to global organizations that have a global influence, but they are organizations without government influence of involvement, such as International Committee of the Red Cross or even certain multi-national corporations, as strictly speaking, they too fit under the definition of an international organization. The latter is the better-understood form on an international organization. Intergovernmental International Organizations refer to organizations that are made up of representatives of sovereign states from all over the globe. Examples of these organizations are famously, but naturally n ot confined to, the United Nations or the European Union. This essay will explore the role of international organizations in global politics in reference to the second category, with a particular focus on the two examples given as well as several others.

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